【谱】City Of Stars

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【谱】City Of Stars

2023-11-16 17:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


《City Of Stars》(星光之城)是Ryan Gosling(瑞恩•高斯林)和Emma Stone(艾玛•斯通)在电影《爱乐之城》(La La Land)中演唱的歌曲,该曲同时为电影的主题曲。获得第74届金球奖最佳原创歌曲。

该曲的创作者Justin Hurwitz(贾斯汀•赫尔维茨)表示,他是从一种感性的角度出发来构思该曲,使其旋律在充满希望的同时也蒙上了一层忧伤。为了更好地贴合电影《爱乐之城》的故事背景,该曲也在大小调之间来回切换,对应着故事中主角在洛杉矶的起起伏伏。考虑到这是影片男主角弹唱的歌曲,Justin还在其中加入了一些爵士元素。

《City Of Stars》这首歌曲潺潺流转,与荧幕上饱满的视觉效果、扣人心弦的故事脉络相得益彰,其旋律可以调动起听众的多种情绪,引发强烈的共情。

同时,网站还为大家提供了不同版本的《City of Stars》曲谱下载

歌词下方是City Of Stars钢琴谱,大家可以免费下载学习。

City Of Stars歌词:

City of stars Are you shining just for me City of stars There's so much that I can't see Who knows I felt it from the first embrace I shared with you That now our dreams They've finally come true City of stars Just one thing everybody wants There in the bars And through the smokescreen of the crowded restaurants It's love Yes all we're looking for is love from someone else A rush A glance A touch A dance A look in somebody's eyes To light up the skies To open the world and send it reeling A voice that says "I'll be here" And "you'll be alright" I don't care if I know Just where I will go 'Cause all that I need is this crazy feeling A rat-tat-tat on my heart Think I want it to stay City of stars Are you shining just for me City of stars You never shined so brightly




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